Risk Hedging

To manage uncertainty.Financial products that minimise the risk associated with changes in interest rates,commodity prices and exchange rates.


The increasing volatilityof financial markets stresses the importance of risk management, an area where theBankis a key partner in its business.


Access to services that allow Risk Hedging through the TradingRoom or trading platforms, straight forward and expedient, at competitive prices.


Products that allow clientsto manage the uncertainty of the future in relation to interest rates on your financing,the volatility of exchange rates and commodity prices.


Theexperience, credibility and reliability of a Private Bank with vast know-how insupporting companies that want to eliminate the risk of non-core activities.

"Hedging solutions aim at mitigating or capitalising on theimpact of changes in currency and commodity exchange rates to which most importing andexporting companies are exposed."

João Queiroz
Head of Trading

What is the most appropriate risk hedging solution?

Customer Support Line

Hours: Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 19:00.

Cost of calling the national fixed network.


Institutional and Corporate solutions