Every story has a beginning

Ours began in 1833.

It all began when Portugal was in the throes of civil war in 1833 and shortly after the Napoleonic invasions. Born in one of the most troubled periods of Portuguese history, Banco Carregosa was a pioneer of a new generation of financial institutions, which we now know as Private Banking.


Since then, we have lived through some of the most troubled periods in Portuguese history, throughout which we have always sought to create stability for our customers. Today, almost 200 years later, our strategy is aimed at continuity, stability and sustainability to give our clients lasting benefits.


History has taught us the importance of this train of thought. To ensure the long-term prosperity of our clients we need to protect the interests of future generations.

A culture of excellence

+3.500 M€

In assets under supervision

Focused on the needs of entrepreneurs, leaders, families and nas family offices. We help our clients protect and increase their assets and create a lasting legacy.



Human capital is the most valuable asset. Our specialised teams are driven by one mission – to help clients preserve and grow their family wealth.


Years of experience

Making tough decisions requires confidence. Based on in-depth experience of the financial world, we design individualised plans to suit each familys mission.

The advantage of thinking long term.

Asan independent private bank, we have the advantage of being able to plan for the longterm, free from influences. Banco Carregosas shareholders have since the 19th centurypassed on their knowledge, experience and values from generation to generation.

Corporate Values


The only way to propose the best solutions is to eliminate conflicts of interest that prevent truly independent advice.


It would be impossible to keep the name Carregosa alive since the 19th century to the present day without strong innovation and adaptation capacity.


We stand apart from the competition in that we maintain a close and customised relationship with each client, offering solutions that are appropriate or developed to meet their needs.


Rigour and seriousness in presenting investment solutions and providing timely, complete and straightforward information.


We promote a culture of environmental, economic and social sustainability, combined with a prudent risk policy, to impact the community.


Policies and



The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, and the Statutory Auditor are responsible for the management and supervision of Banco Carregosa . The Board of Directors delegates the day-to-day management of the company to the Executive Committee.

Luís Manuel de Faria Neiva dos Santos



Maria Manuela Pereira Antunes



Ana Mafalda Mateus Freitas Gonçalves Malafaya


Maria Cândida Cadeco da Rocha e Silva



Jorge Manuel da Conceição Freitas Gonçalves



António José Paixão Pinto Marante



Homero José de Pinho Coutinho



Rogério Francisco Montenegro do Couto



Francisco Miguel Melhorado de Oliveira Fernandes

Chair of Executive Committee  


Fernando Miguel da Costa Ramalho

Voting member of the Executive Committee    


José Nuno de Campos Alves

Voting member of the Executive Committee


Mário Oldemiro Carvalho Fernandes

Voting member of the Executive Committee  


Mariana Mendes Baptista Lopes

Voting member of the Executive Committee  

Rodrigo de Melo Neiva Santos



Cristina Maria da Costa Pinto

Voting member  


António Fernando dos Reis Magalhães Pinto

Voting member  


Rodrigo Maria de Azevedo Soares Cordeiro da Silveira


Pricewaterhousecoopers & Associados - Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas Lda, represented by Aurélio Adriano Rangel Amado



Carlos Manuel Sim Sim Maia


What we do.

The past is important, and so is technology. Above all, people are essential. At Banco Carregosa, we protect the trust that successive generations have placed in us. Banco Carregosa – for those seeking an exclusive Private Banking experience and savings and investment solutions.