Corporate Finance | InvestEU GMP Guarantee Lines

More than 3.5 billion euros to boost the sustainable and lasting growth of Portuguese companies and the economy.

InvestEU GMP  Line

InvestEU - European programme to support access to and availability of medium/log-term financing for companies (SMEs and Small Mid-Caps), strengthening their competitiveness, including research, innovation and digitalisation, economic growth, sustainability, job creation and the sustainable and inclusive recovery of the EU economy in the aftermath of the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Areas of Activity

Sustainable Urban Mobility

EUR 284 million

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Line provides medium and long-term financing for operations aimed at acquiring electric or hydrogen vehicles for passenger transport; developing infrastructure to support the electrification of transport, such as charging stations and improvements to the electricity grid; and expanding the hydrogen distribution and supply network.

Research, Innovation and Digitalisation 

EUR 711 million

The Special Conditions of the Research, Innovation and Digitalization Subline include eligible operations for investments in research infrastructures; business projects; collaboration between academia and industry; technology transfer; development of new health products; and projects to digitalize the economy.

Sustainable Investment

EUR 1.280 billion

The Sustainable Investment sub-line offers funding to support projects focused on waste management, brownfield rehabilitation, pollution control, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, clean fuel production and renewable energies, as well as encouraging recycling, the use of sustainable raw materials and responsible environmental management in agriculture and forestry.


EUR 640 million

The Investment sub-line offers medium and long-term financing to support the acquisition of fixed assets, both tangible and intangible, as well as including a portion for working capital, limited to 20% of the amount financed.

Working Capital

EUR 640 million

Sub-line Working Capital offers medium and long-term financing to meet companies' structural working capital needs.

On 18 June 2024, the EC and the BPF signed the InvestEU Guarantee Agreement in Brussels, allowing up to €3.6 billion to be made available for eligible investments:

Sustainable Urban Mobility

Acquisition of means of transport for sustainable urban mobility (taxis, cars, buses, etc., provided they are 100% electric or run on hydrogen), as well as the necessary adaptation of energy networks.

  • Have their registered office and activity in Portugal.


  • Activity classified under the following CAEs [Statistical Classification of Economic Activities]:


    • 49310 Urban and suburban passenger land transport;

    • 49320 Occasional passenger land transport;

    • 49391 Inter-city bus transport;

    • 49392 Other land passenger transport.


  • No incidents with the bank at contract date. Have their situation with the Tax Authority and Social Security regularised at the time of financing. Compliant with applicable money laundering and terrorist financing legislation.

EUR 10 million.

From 12 to 240 months.

Up to 60 months after the contract is signed.

75% / 75%.

It results from the risk rating assigned by the credit institution and the maturity of the operation.

It depends on the rating, the type of company and the duration of the operation; it is calculated on the guaranteed amount and is charged in advance according to the payback period.


Research, Innovation and Digitalisation 

Investment in research, innovation and digitalisation / projects supporting the digitalisation of the economy.

  • Have their registered office and activity in Portugal.

  • Companies carrying out activities in the area of research, innovation and digitalisation – see Annex II, List of Eligible CAEs [Statistical Classification of Economic Activities].

  • No incidents with the bank at contract date.

  • Have their situation with the Tax Authority and Social Security regularised at the time of financing.

  • Compliant with applicable money laundering and terrorist financing legislation.

EUR 10 million.

From 12 to 240 months.

Up to 48 months after the contract is signed.

75% / 75%.

It results from the risk rating assigned by the credit institution and the maturity of the operation.

It depends on the rating, the type of company and the duration of the operation; it is calculated on the guaranteed amount and is charged in advance according to the payback period.


Sustainable Investment

Financing for SMEs and Small Mid Caps

Investments in activities aimed at sustainable investment - see doc. “BPF InvestEU Guarantee Line”, Special Terms and Conditions of the Sustainable Investment Line, point a).

  • Have their registered office and activity in Portugal.

  • Companies carrying out activities in the area of research, innovation and digitalisation – see Annex II, List of Eligible CAEs [Statistical Classification of Economic Activities].

  • No incidents with the bank at contract date.

  • Have their situation with the Tax Authority and Social Security regularised at the time of financing.

  • Compliant with applicable money laundering and terrorist financing legislation.

EUR 8.250 million (maximum amount per company, across all 3 sub-lines, EUR 8,250 millions).

From 12 to 180 months.

Up to 36 months after the contract is signed.

75% / 80%.

It results from the risk rating assigned by the credit institution and the maturity of the operation.

It depends on the rating, the type of company and the duration of the operation; it is calculated on the guaranteed amount and is charged in advance according to the payback period.


Financing for SMEs and Small Mid Caps

Investment in property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and working capital (up to 20% of the amount of the loan).

  • Have their registered office and activity in Portugal.

  • Companies carrying out activities in the area of research, innovation and digitalisation – see Annex II, List of Eligible CAEs [Statistical Classification of Economic Activities].

  • No incidents with the bank at contract date.

  • Have their situation with the Tax Authority and Social Security regularised at the time of financing.

  • Compliant with applicable money laundering and terrorist financing legislation.

EUR 5 million (maximum amount per company, across all 3 sub-lines, EUR 8.250 million).

From 12 to 144 months.

Up to 36 months after the contract is signed.

50% / 80%.

It results from the risk rating assigned by the credit institution and the maturity of the operation.

It depends on the rating, the type of company and the duration of the operation; it is calculated on the guaranteed amount and is charged in advance according to the payback period.


Working Capital

Financing for SMEs and Small Mid Caps

Structural working capital requirements.

  • Have their registered office and activity in Portugal.

  • Companies carrying out activities in the area of research, innovation and digitalisation – see Annex II, List of Eligible CAEs [Statistical Classification of Economic Activities].

  • No incidents with the bank at contract date.

  • Have their situation with the Tax Authority and Social Security regularised at the time of financing.

  • Compliant with applicable money laundering and terrorist financing legislation.

EUR 2 million (maximum amount per company, across all 3 sub-lines, EUR 8.250 million).

From 12 to 48 months.

Up to 6 months after the contract is signed.

50% / 80%.

It results from the risk rating assigned by the credit institution and the maturity of the operation.

It depends on the rating, the type of company and the duration of the operation; it is calculated on the guaranteed amount and is charged in advance according to the payback period.



Institutional and Corporate solutions