
Simple and diversified trading in global bonds.


Negotiate national, international, corporate or government bonds.

Forms of /or


Trade on the secondary market, public or private offers.



Receive recurring returns through coupon-paying bonds.

What are Bonds?


Bonds represent parts of the debt of the issuing companies or entities.

The outstanding nominal value is returned at maturity.

Through bonds, investors receive a constant return through interest payments, usually annual (coupon). This yield to maturity, called Yield to Maturity (YTM), is permanently calculated and made available for each bond.


See our Product Manual.

Gráfico e dados a simbolizar o webinar de obrigações.

Bonds Webinar | 

Banco Carregosa and BlackRock

Bonds in the current macroeconomic environment

The current macroeconomic context has led us all to look again at bonds. As we can read in Banco Carregosa's Quarterly Outlook, in "2023 the conditions may be met for it to be 'the year of bonds'". But how can we invest in bonds? What are the concepts and what should we value?  


Watch the recording of this Banco Carregosa Webinar with BlackRock to learn more about bonds and to understand why they have become attractive in the current macroeconomic context.

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